Status of Land Planning Effort

Humbug Valley
Status of Donated and Retained Land Transactions
Below is a summary of the status of all PG&E retained and donated land transactions as of December 31, 2023.
Completed Land Transactions
The Stewardship Council and PG&E have completed all transactions. For a tour of the lands we conserved and impacts of our work please visit our Stewardship Council Story pages.
Land Conservation and Conveyance Plans Adopted by the Stewardship Council
As of its December 9, 2020 meeting, the Board approved all 95 LCCPs for fee donations and/or conservation easement or conservation covenant transactions. The LCCPs describe how the proposed transactions satisfy the requirements of the Settlement Agreement and Stipulation. After the Board approves a LCCP, PG&E seeks regulatory approval of the transaction from the CPUC, and from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”), if applicable. All LCCPs are available on the planning unit page and can be accessed by clicking on the planning unit location on the map.
The Board has approved all LCCPs proposed for fee title donation properties totaling approximately 38,410 acres and also approved approximately 100,590 acres that will be retained in ownership by PG&E.
Land Conservation Plan (Volumes I and II)
The Stewardship Council Board of Directors adopted the Land Conservation Plan Volumes I and II (LCP) at its meeting on November 28, 2007. The LCP provides the framework for the preservation and enhancement of six beneficial public values, including open space, natural habitat, public recreation, historic resources, sustainable forestry, and agricultural uses on more than 140,000 acres of PG&E's Watershed Lands.
View the Final Land Conservation Plan
History of the Planning Process
Throughout 2005 and the early part of 2006, the Stewardship Council focused on obtaining, organizing, and analyzing significant amounts of data specific to the Watershed Lands.
To proceed efficiently, we grouped the 142,692 acres of land (about 1,000 parcels in total) into 47 Planning Units. We then developed draft concepts that described a list of potential measures that, if implemented, would aim to preserve and enhance the Beneficial Public Values (BPV) for each planning unit. During this analysis process, we specifically focused on the land use issues, and deliberately set aside the ownership and management issues.
The Draft Land Conservation Plan Volumes I & II were released in June 2007 for a 60-day public comment period. During this time, we held ten public meetings to publicize the availability of the Draft LCP and to encourage public comment.
We received nearly 1,300 written comments on the Draft LCP. We then reviewed and responded to each comment, and revised the text in the Draft LCP as appropriate. All public comments received in writing, and the responses to those comments, will be included in the Final LCP as a separate document. To review the Final Land Conservation Plan Volumes I & II, visit our Land Conservation Plan page.