McArthur Swamp

Land Transfer to the Fall River RCD at McArthur Swamp Planning Unit
The donation of 4,491 acres at the McArthur Swamp planning unit to the Fall River RCD and the establishment of a conservation easement held by Ducks Unlimited were finalized on October 18, 2017.
On March 20, 2018, a conservation easement was recorded to protect the Beneficial Public Values of the remaining 3,168 acres to be retained by PG&E at the McArthur Swamp planning unit. The conservation easement on the retained acres is also held by Ducks Unlimited.
Revised Final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan Adoption - Lands to be Donated to Fall River Resource Conservation District
On June 2, 2016, the LCCP which was approved by the Stewardship Council board on January 22, 2015, was revised to reflect (1) board amendments to the Property Tax Neutrality Methodology, and (2) the grazing license negotiated by the Fall River Resource Conservation District and the McArthur Resource Management Association.
The LCCP describes how the proposed transactions and related agreements conform to and fulfill all requirements of the 2003 Settlement Agreement and Stipulation.
The draft LCCP was made available for public review and comment for a 30-day period from October 14, 2014 to November 13, 2014.
Permanent Protection of McArthur Swamp Planning Unit with a Conservation Easement
On March 20, 2018, a conservation easement was recorded to protect the Beneficial Public Values of the watershed lands at the Lake McCloud planning unit. The conservation easement on the property is held by the Ducks Unlimited.
Final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan - PG&E Retained Lands at
Mc Arthur Swamp
At its January 22, 2015 meeting the board adopted the proposed Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan for PG&E retained lands at the McArthur Swamp planning unit in Shasta County.
The LCCP describes how the proposed transaction and related agreements conform to and fulfill all requirements of the 2003 Settlement Agreement and Stipulation.
The draft LCCP was made available for a public review and comment period from October 14, 2014 to November 14, 2014.
At its May 19, 2010 meeting, the board recommended the Fall River Resource Conservation District as the prospective fee title donee for approximately 4,569 acres of land in the McArthur Swamp planning unit, located in Shasta County.
At its February 16, 2011 meeting, the board recommended Ducks Unlimited as the prospective conservation easement holder on the property. This recommendation supersedes an earlier recommendation concerning the conservation easement holder at McArthur Swamp.
Land Stewardship Proposals
On February 6, 2009, the Stewardship Council received two land stewardship proposals from organizations interested in being considered for a donation of fee title to certain lands located within the McArthur Swamp planning unit, one of four pilot sites. The Fall River Resource Conservation District, the Pit River Tribe, Shasta Land Trust, Shasta County, and the California Waterfowl Association prepared and submitted proposals. The respective organizations prepared the information and statements in these proposals and are responsible for the information contained therein. Proposals are presented as is and the Stewardship Council does not make any assertion regarding the accuracy or completeness of information presented, nor do the proposals necessarily reflect the views of the Stewardship Council. The Stewardship Council fully reviewed and considered the proposals before recommending any organizations for donation of fee title to lands within the McArthur Swamp planning unit.
Organizations Submitting a Statement of Qualifications
California State Parks -- Cascade Sector
California Waterfowl Association
Cottonwood Creek Watershed Group
Fall River Resource Conservation District
Pit River Tribe
Shasta County
Shasta Land Trust