Hat Creek

Pit River Tribe Donated LCCP | Hat Creek/Lake Britton Pit River Tribe Donated LCCP | PG&E Retained LCCP LCCP | Public Information Meeting/Maps
Permanent Protection of PG&E's Retained Property with a Conservation Easement
On May 19, 2023, a conservation easement was recorded to protect the Beneficial Public Values on lands owned by PG&E at the Hat Creek planning unit. The Conservation Easement is held by the Shasta Land Trust.
Shasta Land Trust announces the permanent protection of 1,722 acres along Hat Creek
The property contains precious water resources, including 2.9 miles of Hat Creek, the entirety of Baum Lake and Crystal Lake, portions of the Rising River and Rock Creek, and expansive wet meadow habitat. Read more {here}
Updated Final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan - Hat Creek (PG&E Retained Lands)
At its September 23, 2020 meeting, the board adopted a Final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan (LCCP) for lands to be retained by PG&E at the Hat Creek planning unit located in Shasta County, California. The LCCP was updated August 2, 2022.
The Final LCCP describes how the proposed transaction and related agreements conform to and fulfill all requirements of the 2003 Settlement Agreement and Stipulation.
The draft LCCP was made available for public review and comment for a 30 day period from July 17, 2020 to August 17, 2020.
Transfer of Land to the Pit River Tribe
The donation of land at the Lake Britton and Hat Creek planning units to the Pit River Tribe, and the establishment of a conservation easement held by Shasta Land Trust were finalized on August 10, 2022.
Updated Final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan - Lake Britton and Hat Creek (Pit River Tribe Donated)
At its September 23, 2020 meeting, the board adopted a Final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan (LCCP) for lands to be donated to the Pit River Tribe at the Lake Britton and Hat Creek planning units located in Shasta County, California. The LCCP was updated on January 5, 2022.
The Final LCCP describes how the proposed transaction and related agreements conform to and fulfill all requirements of the 2003 Settlement Agreement and Stipulation.
The draft LCCP was made available for public review and comment for a 30 day period from July 17, 2020 to August 15, 2020.
Transfer of Land to the Pit River Tribe
The donation of land at the Hat Creek planning unit to the Pit River Tribe and the establishment of a conservation easement held by Shasta Land Trust were finalized on October 15, 2021.
Closing celebration for the return of the Pit River Tribe's ancestral lands
Updated Final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan - Hat Creek (Pit River Tribe Donated)
At its January 23, 2019 meeting, the board adopted the final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan for lands to be donated to the Pit River Tribe at the Hat Creek planning unit in Shasta County, California. The LCCP was updated March 17, 2021.
The Hat Creek Donated LCCP describes how the proposed transactions and related agreements conform to and fulfill all requirements of the 2003 Settlement Agreement and Stipulation.
The Draft LCCP was made available for a public review and comment period from October 22, 2018 to November 21, 2018.
At its January 23, 2019 meeting, the Stewardship Council Board of Directors recommended the Pit River Tribe as the prospective fee title donee for 541 acres within seven parcels (185, 187, 188, 191, 204, 205, 209) in the Hat Creek planning unit located in Shasta County, subject to compliance with all of the requrements of the Land Conservation Commitment and under the following terms:
The Pit River Tribe provides a limited waiver of sovereign immunity to ensure that the conservation easement and other agreements executed pursuant to the Land Conservation Commitment are enforceable.
The Pit River Tribe agrees not to petition the federal government to have the donated lands placed into federal trust.
The Board approves providing funding for future property tax obligations associated with this recommended donation.
At its April 29, 2015 meeting, the Stewardship Council Board of Directors recommended the Pit River Tribe as the prospective fee title donee for 850 acres of Hat Creek planning unit lands located in Shasta County under the following terms:
The Pit River Tribe provides a limited waiver of sovereign immunity to ensure that the conservation easement and other agreements executed pursuant to the Land Conservation Commitment are enforceable.
The Pit River Tribe agrees not to petition the federal government to have the donated lands placed into federal trust.
The Board approves providing funding for future property tax obligations associated with this recommended donation.
At its January 22, 2015 meeting, the board recommended theShasta Land Trust as the prospective conservation easement holder on the property.
Land Stewardship Proposals
On August 13, 2010, the Stewardship Council received two land stewardship proposals from organizations interested in being considered for a donation of fee title to certain lands located within the Hat Creek planning unit. The US Bureau of Land Management and the Pit River Tribe prepared and submitted proposals and are responsible for the information contained therein. Proposals are presented as is, and the Stewardship Council does not make any assertion regarding the accuracy or completeness of information presented, nor do the proposals necessarily reflect the views of the Stewardship Council. The Stewardship Council fully reviewed and considered the proposals before recommending any organizations for donation of fee title to lands within the Hat Creek planning unit.
Organizations Submitting a Statement of Qualifications
County of Shasta
Fall River Resources Conservation District
Environmental Education Council of Marin
Pit River Tribe
Spring Rivers Foundation
US Forest Service – Lassen National Forest
US Bureau of Land Management