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Hat Creek

Enhancement Program


Hat Creek Enhancement Program

Cal Trout and its partner organizations,  Lomakatsi Restoration Project and the Pit River Tribe, used  Enhancement Grant funding to restore a stretch of in-stream wild trout habitat on Hat Creek, which is designated as Wild and Heritage trout waters by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. In addition, they planted native riparian vegetation along the bank and removed 6.3 acres of noxious weeds, added 1.5 miles of trails along Hat Creek for recreational use and fishing access. They also constructed and installed a new pedestrian bridge over Hat Creek which connected two trails used for fish and wildlife viewing, relocated a parking area to a less environmentally sensitive area, and installed interpretive signs. They have improved access for fishing, while protecting several historic sites with new fencing, landscaping and signage. This project funded the Hat Creek Youth Initiative for two years which hired, mentored and trained 20 Pit River Tribe youth and tribal members to assist with project implementation. Cal Trout and its partners brought 76% matching funds to this project, leveraging more than $1,000,000 in funds from outside sources. 

The Stewardship Council is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation

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