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Permanent Protection of PG&E's Retained Property with a Conservation Easement

On September 16, 2020, a conservation easement was recorded to protect the Beneficial Public Values on lands owned by PG&E at the Butt Valley Reservoir planning unit. The Conservation Easement is held by the Feather River Land Trust.



Final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan – Butt Valley Reservoir


At its May 2, 2018 meeting, the board adopted the final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan for lands to be retained by PG&E in the Butt Valley planning unit located in Plumas County, California.


The Butt Valley LCCP describes how the proposed transactions and related agreements conform to and fulfill all requirements of the 2003 Settlement Agreement and Stipulation.


The Draft LCCP was made available for a public review and comment period from February 26, 2018 to March 28, 2018.





At its September 16, 2010 meeting, the board recommended that PG&E retain all of the lands (approximately 2,450 acres) in the Butt Valley Reservoir planning unit, located in Plumas County.


At its October 20, 2010 meeting, the board recommended the Feather River Land Trust as the prospective conservation easement holder on the property.


Public Information Meeting

The primary purpose of this meeting was to solicit public input on the development of the Land Conservation and Conveyance Plans (LCCP) to preserve and enhance the beneficial public values.



The Stewardship Council is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation

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