Burney Gardens

Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan – Burney Gardens (Fall River Resource Conservation District) Donated
At its January 15, 2020 meeting, the Board was unable to unanimously agree to approve the Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan (LCCP) for the Burney Gardens planning unit recommending the Fall River Resource Conservation District as the donee to fee title, and Shasta Land Trust as the conservation easement holder of 1,612 acres of watershed lands. The Stewardship Council’s governing documents require that all actions taken by the Board are made by consensus.
The dispute mediation process, initiated in February 2020 included 3 meetings, did not result in resolution of the disputes raised in the Dispute Notices or consensus on another viable alternative, despite reasonable best efforts to attempt to reach consensus on the development and adoption of a LCCP for the Burney Gardens planning unit.
Therefore, the Board concluded by Resolution on April 29, 2020 that it cannot reach consensus on the approval of the Burney Gardens LCCP. The Stewardship Council no longer has a decision-making role regarding the donation of fee or conservation easement interests in the property. PG&E must move forward to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the requirements of the Settlement Agreement and Stipulation.
At its January 23, 2019 meeting, the board recommended the Fall River Resource Conservation District as the prospective fee title donee to approximately 1,612 acres available for donation within 15 parcels (parcels 272 - 286).
At its June 24, 2015 meeting, the board recommended the Humboldt State University Advancement Foundation as the prospective fee title donee for approximately 1,612 acres of land in Burney Gardens planning unit, located in Shasta County.
However, at its September 20, 2017 meeting the board of directors approved the rescission of the fee donee recommendation for Humboldt State University at the Burney Gardens planning unit in Shasta County. Comments and inquiries regarding the rescission at the Burney Gardens planning unit can be addressed to info@stewardshipcouncil.org
At its March 7, 2012 meeting, the board recommended that PG&E retain all of the lands (approximately 1,612 acres) in the Burney Gardens planning unit, located in Shasta County.
At its January 22, 2015 meeting, the board recommended theShasta Land Trust as the prospective conservation easement holder on the property.
Land Stewardship Proposals
In June, 2018 the Stewardship Council received a land stewardship proposal from the Pit River Tribe and the Fall River Resource Conservation District (RCD) who is interested in being considered for a donation of fee title to certain lands located within the Burney Gardens planning unit. The information and statements contained in the proposal were prepared by the respective organization. The proposal is presented 'as is' and the Stewardship Council does not make any assertion regarding the accuracy or completeness of information presented, nor does the proposal necessarily reflect the views of the Stewardship Council. The proposal will be reviewed and considered prior to any recommendation by the Stewardship Council for a donation of fee title to lands within the Burney Gardens planning unit.
Organizations Submitting a Statement of Qualifications
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Pit River Tribe
Shasta County
Western Shasta RCD